Sunday, January 24, 2010

Don't stress that 'cause it's not in your bloodstream

I know I've stated here before that I only blog when I'm sad... Scraaatch that, cuz I'm blogging when I'm feeling like P-Didday yee!

It's funny.. Sometimes you create such a strong mental picture in your head that when it comes to it, it's not what you sought it to be.. But then you realize that, it's not about that. I think it's the thrill of having imaginations that allows you to sort of get away every few minutes when you're in a tedious situation.

Maybe a breather for the mind? Cause I know it feels damn good to think about things sometimes.. even though it's not really how things turn out most of the time. But if it was, then really, where's the excitement in that. You can always be looking forward to something right?

Next Destination: Tokyo, Japan.
back to square one
.... or not

1 comment:

Sam said...