Monday, May 18, 2009

Got that new I'm a single girl swag,
got me with my girls and we're singin' it


can't believe I spent the last 4 thursdays @ Shark Club... nevertheless, i had lots of fun with these lovely ladies =) ohh you crazies.

as I stated in my previous post, I gave up on AIM and cut back on the time I spend reading about other people's lives (aka stalking) on facebook in order to "live life to the fullest" by physically engaging in it. although it has only been a couple days, I can honestly say that I now have found my life a little more fulfilling than before...

there's no designated age for not knowing anything.. we're all kinda forced to sit back contently and put up a guard til we find out. I'm assuming that's why everyone seems so unhappy and unopen. I mean, what are the odds of finding someone who willing puts their guards down? people seem more comfortable hidden behind their pseudo joy and keeping their shells intact. I understand it, but it's so .. plain jane. ever notice how dull it is seeing people isolate themselves in their comfort zones all the time..?

you don't know where you're going, but why not live a little?

“ We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have."

1 comment:

chihiro said...

your blog is so inspiring! haha
anywaysss, are you going to japan this summmerr?
either way, lets hangout! :D