Friday, January 30, 2009

too much funky shit inside my brain

please, listen to this song.

a part of me still wants to run
run free from any chain and knowledge of now
to run and deny life as I know

I want to run to see how far I can go
before I realize that I miss home
to see what I had, and all of it had been there all along

I want to know the life I have, even though I truly do know it

I want to run from you,
that the person I see is not the person I want to stay close to
the vision in front of me is not a vision to see
So I want to run

Not for something.

I don't know why my legs move
and why my mind commands it so
but it does, and I can not stop.
my mind commands my legs to move, and my heart to race
but in this time and space, I stay still but visually escape..

been watching too many poetry jams on youtube.

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