What I was: an indecisive, selfish child prone to have been insensitive at some points of my life; cared too much about what others thought of me; unprioritized; thought I knew everything about everything and that my way was the right way; lazy.
What I want to achieve to be: one who truly emphasizes; stands on my own ground and have a solid foundation; polite even if it's easier to be rude; calm and collected; stick to my priorities; realize and accept the person that I am.
Cheers to 2009, and hello to Southern California once again.. It's a day2 in the (not-so)ILLvine & I already want to start a countdown til the next time I can be back in the bay. Is this normal?
Doraemon, please take me back to the Bay where my <3 still resides with your magic door, I would give anything to breathe and feel the bay breeze once again... (I will be doing an update on the break soon)
1 comment:
maybe you dont need the door.. sometimes all you need is the hat.. no matter how long it takes itll still take you to the place you want to go plus you get to enjoy the scenery on the way. be patient there are things in life that are meant to be yours, and i think no one can take that away from you =]
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