SF.. you the best I've ever had.. best I've ever had...
utada's new song "Come Back To Me" has been on repeat for days.. at some point of the song, her voice reminds me of mariah carey.. can she be the new Japanese mariah carey? i very much think so.
but the real question is.. who is the sexy beast in this music video? I'm starting to get really really attracted to south american / middle eastern guys again.... they got the sexy look that asians just don't have. I think this all started when Drake became real big. I guess for now, I'll say goodbye to asians.. we're still the superior race though.
laaaaawll we are the superior race haha. but i agree with u... i think middle eastern boys are hot too.
i couldn't really picture you with a south american / middle eastern man... but now i think i can see it.
you and lilian should find a couple hawties and double date.
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