it's been a rough ride and I'm still flowing down a rocky river but I gotta keep reminding myself that nothing is permanent. through everything that has happened in the past few days... I gotta keep telling myself that better day is coming.
a wise man (tupac) once said, "life goes on" and although it could be harsh, that's just the truth. a flower that grows in the ghetto know more about survival than the one with fresh petals. and obviously all of you know that I don't live in the ghetto but crucial measures are crucial measures regardless of your locations.
i'm taking my baby steps, trying to rid the fear in every stride. I have to, cause it takes way more strength to turn back. ughhh I'm tired =(
someone told me a better day is coming. plus, a wise man (tupac) once said, "that's just the way it is.. awwww yeah"
oh, and happy mother's day to hands down, the BESTEST mother in the world. words cannot describe how amazing my mother is and how much I appreciate everything she does for me.
and lastly, check out my current fav jam :)
"You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes." -- Winnie the Pooh . word..
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