check it check it.
blue floral tank
white cardigan
white ESKIMO jacket (who wears them?)
red sweatpants
GREEN socks with a monkey.
but the good thing about the bay is that (1) no one gives a fcuk, (2) people will accept you for who you are, not what you look like, and (3) fashion police does not exist here.
enough of that, I know y'all waiting to see some wonderful pics of the delicious food I consume everyday so here it is =) day THREE!
lunch at Saizo (sunnyvale). fail picture, by the way.
you ain't cute.
my salad :) salad, because I ate about 2 hours before this.
anago (eel) tempura bowl. weird choice of meal by a weird person.
my mum ordered hamburg bowl things = hella BOMB.
a typical day in the east side san jose...
I WOULD be at tully out of anywhere in the bay..
cars cars cars
one day the door's gonna hit the curB. no joke.
guess what this picture is of!
new stickshift. cool at first, but super uncomfortable & awkward height = fail.
palm trees in the bay always look so awkward & far apart....
got home & my mother welcomed us with some poop balls.
mMmm yummy poop. jaykay. it's those red bean stuffff. yum!
I had plans to go get some sushi with friends that night.. but had to snap a couple shots of the delicious looking meal that my mommy was cooking that night.. this is why I never wanna go out to eat cuz her cooking > iron chef, and everything else.
sooo sad I missed out on eating this that night *BIGGG sad face*
but shiit.. sushi def made me all :) again
sarah likes blurry pictures over nice sharp pictures :P
it's been SO long since all three of us have been reunited.. :)
high school loves! except i got owned by the flash -____-
ended the night with a cup full of (watered-down) yogurt.
i must admit.. irvine yogurtland > cupertino yogurland anyday of the week!
the end! =) more bayventures tomorrow. yeeyee.
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