too bad I'm too poor to buy myself a lomo camera and films.. lightroom will do magic for my photos for now.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
too bad I'm too poor to buy myself a lomo camera and films.. lightroom will do magic for my photos for now.
Friday, December 18, 2009
The Emcee.
At some point, everybody plays the fool and this time it was me. I fell for the tight rhymes, the ill lines, the peaceful grace, the musical taste, and the smile that I brought to his face. At first, he wanted me like his favorite pen; to every syllable in my mind and body, he’d pay attention. Reciting verse after verse that we were perfection. We’d talk about life, poems, rhymes and spending together’s studio time. Wanted to drink the other in until our intoxication became the new crime. I was positive this was my hit song and he went to the top of my chart; feelings grew, never apart, dynamic duo like Noah’s arch, even considered taking the mic cord and tieing the knot. His presence in my life was impossible to not notice; he became my music, as I moved to him naturally like a head nod…
- Mayda Del Valle
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
leather in the summer, silk in the winter
Monday, December 14, 2009
It's just a fly love song...
Monday, December 07, 2009
"Say hi to forever," RIP Daul Kim.
I absolutely adored her for her dorkiness & effortless beauty.. she definitely had a lot going on for a 20 year old ASIAN model, and I was really saddened by this news. RIP: Daul Kim, say hi to heaven for me.
"grow steadily and flow readily, those who grow up too fast spoil too easily."
next time you whine about how you think you're old enough to do something, realize that you may not even be close. too many people are so eager to grow up that they're blind to the fact that some people haven't exact grown up just yet. we've got all the time in the world, so what's the hurry about?
Sunday, December 06, 2009
finals week.
Friday, December 04, 2009
procrastination at its best.
for lack of a better word.. I'm doing "grand."
for some odd reason, I should be stressed up in the ass but I'm not. Finals next week, hella work next week, deadlines to meet due to dummyhead teachers assigning random shits before finals.. but I feel like a million bucks! Wait, no, I feel like 100 GRAND because that word suites the theme and chocolate suites everyday :)
I'll be shooting the breeze next week while rest of the class weeps, hopefully. I'm sorry dummies, leave no room to stress! :]
I'm def delirious yo, but I hope your life is just as beautiful as mine "seems". carpe diem!
Friday, November 27, 2009
for the antique freaks

Although utterly creepy-looking, Pete is currently worth more than $600.

biggest sausages just chillin' & grillin'

I want this. I'm serious.

hi grandpa.
Never say there is nothing beautiful in the world anymore. There is always something to make you wonder in the shape of a tree, the trembling of a leaf. Or even a dirty box full of antiques hiding somewhere in your garage, accumulating dust just waiting to be noticed.
I made a new food blog. Please check me out :)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Need VS. Want

I was taught to only buy the things you need, not want. Because what you want, isn’t necessarily what you need, therefore it becomes unnecessary. What happens though, when someone you want becomes someone you needed? Would that be true? Could we truly "need" someone? Or is it all tangled up in a web of lust and desires. Maybe, we want it so much that we mistaken it for need.
Or maybe, things we need aren’t what we want, because we felt as though what we wanted is more desirable than what we need.
Just a thought.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Not enough time can cause a relationship to fall apart, sometimes too much time makes you feel crowded and you just want to scream for some ‘me’ time, personal space. I don’t see that as any threat, seeing each other ‘too much.’ The real threat is seeing each other ‘too little.’ It’s the feeling of neglect, wondering if that person still cares. It takes sacrifice. Time can be filled with long phone calls, short calls just to checkup, or going out together.
it's the simple things ..
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
comfort zone.

I learned that you shouldn’t get too comfortable with anything, anyone, or any idea. There comes a point where you have what’s called “the usual”, “the girls”, or “the regulars”, as certain groups that you hang out with. Then there comes a time where “the usual” becomes “the no-longer there”. “The girls” becomes “Those girls”. “The regulars” becomes “The distant strangers” who ignore you when you pass them on the streets, because the time and growth have apparently damaged the ability to talk face to face without the awkwardness. I don’t have labels for those I hang out with. They are friends, close friends, and nothing more. I rather not give anyone the opportunity of permanence if no one is going to stick around long enough, anyway. Maybe it means I’m being a pansy, but no one said it was wrong to be cautious.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
I grew up in the bay so I'm down to earth, but I live in LA that means I'm down to work
my socal always begins here.. WESTMINSTER!
I know every living soul has thought of this before. At some point in our lives, we all wanted to run away and never look back. It’s much easier said than done, I guarantee you. Think about it. What will you be leaving behind? Who will you believing behind? And if you had nothing, where would you go? If life allowed you easy exit access, then we probably wouldn’t have struggles, right? Now, I have responsibilities and my conscious stops be before I can even process the thought of running away.
There is no escape. Face it, and move on.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Waiting to be noticed.
We grew up believing we were princesses. Little girls with loving daddies and protective brothers were taught that they were something special and rare. Our mothers told us that all we needed was our education and after obtaining each degree, we’d be able to pick from larger and more successful pools of men. We’ve grown up only to discover that this isn’t so.
In reality, guys have the upper hand. The ability to choose any woman they want. It doesn’t take much at all. Population-wise, females outnumber males. For every guy there are at least 10 girls who want him. Some of you didn’t know, half of you are well aware of that and the rest of you have a stampede of women chasing you day after day.
I never wanted to be a normal girl. Normal girls thirst for love and attention. Normal girls daydream ten years into the future upon meeting someone new. Normal girls fill out girlfriend applications for people who live miles and miles away because they believe that “magic” knows no boundaries.
You can’t be his girlfriend UNTIL HE ASKS you to be. You cant be his wife UNTIL HE ASKS you to marry him.
So, the question is: Are we all just waiting to be loved? Waiting to be the girlfriend…. waiting to someday be the wife? Waiting to be noticed?
We all have to wait however, it’s about what you do while you wait. Are you doing things to make yourself happy? Then the wait is worth it because you’re learning about yourself and self-appreciation is crucial if you want to be happy with a man (or whomever). Everyone is in line, take a number and do something productive while you’re waiting. And technically, you’re not waiting if you’re living life in this “invisible line”.
Point is, don’t revolve your life around this wait and just, be.
Heh. Why can’t you date him unless he asks? Why can’t you marry him unless he asks? Who made it a profound law that women aren’t supposed to ask a guy out, or get on their knees to ask him to be her husband? I mean, I wouldn’t get on my knees. On the contrary, I don’t mind being the person who asks someone out. Waiting around is time that is wasted. Don’t you think? Patience was never really one of my virtues. Want something? Go after it. He won’t notice you? Move on and find someone who would.Friday, August 07, 2009
"I wish i could photoshop all our bad memories"
SF.. you the best I've ever had.. best I've ever had...
utada's new song "Come Back To Me" has been on repeat for days.. at some point of the song, her voice reminds me of mariah carey.. can she be the new Japanese mariah carey? i very much think so.
but the real question is.. who is the sexy beast in this music video? I'm starting to get really really attracted to south american / middle eastern guys again.... they got the sexy look that asians just don't have. I think this all started when Drake became real big. I guess for now, I'll say goodbye to asians.. we're still the superior race though.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
finals drive me b-a-n-a-n-a!
americano + banana cake/bread from jin's bakery + pen i jacked from work = intense cram sesh for philosophy. that banana thing is soooo delicious :)
o yah. new hair :) first thing i did when i got my paycheck!
i know... i'm hella gay. can't believe i just took a photo of myself like a myspace whore.. SHAME!
this was just an quick iphone update :) buh byes!
Saturday, August 01, 2009
- wake up at 6 am
- class til 10 am
- work til 7 pm
- wash stinky feet
- chill with deepfriend twinkie til whenever
- pass out, repeat
You can’t just sit around and wait for change.
You can’t just sit around and hope that you’re going to blossom into something else.
Get with it, and get'er done.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
so... my feet stink
can't do nuttin' when ur feet be stankin so ill update this isshh laters
Monday, July 13, 2009
For what it's worth
Sometimes, life takes a toll on us. Directions shift, and so do our hearts. Sometimes, the only time it feels right, is when it does not make any sense, whatsoever. We’re this one day, and something else on another. Sometimes, you feel invincible, as though you can’t be touched — but something or someone, shoves you down. Sometimes, you feel as though you’ve hit rock bottom, and God forbid, alone.
But for what it’s worth, I’m still here, and I'm content with the choices I've made for myself this past few weeks.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
japanese bed rock spa

So I recently heard about this place from my mom and it might just be exactly what I need = complete detox time.
after i get my first paycheck... (i'm officially employed now! super duper excited) a must-visit :)