areezy f baby be back in the bay = time to stir up some trouble!
before i begin... I've got a question for y'all!
guess what this is.. :)
"is that a freaking bomb?" "no wait.. kinda looks like a condom.."
JAPANESE ICE CREAM! you suck on it to taste the yummies! only japanese people WOULD come up with such a thing.. I wouldn't be surprised if the container actually can be used as a condom for little japanese people.... oh my

another perk of being japanese = bombass diggity food.

As I sat outside on my balcony to watch the sunrise at 6AM... I have come to realize that my life runs of a bad timing. you know what they say..
"patience is a virtue", or
"good things come to those who wait." Yet, don't others also argue that if you want something, you go out there and pursue it? So..... if we want something, are we supposed to constantly work towards it or do we wait in the meantime because it's not time yet? But don't we always find ourselves running out of time? Isn't time enemy? We cannot wait for the perfect condition forever because then we'd spend our entire life waiting, but the irony is that harder we look for something, it seems to evade us even more..
well.. if life depends on timing, when is it right to take action or inaction? how do you know when to strike when the iron's hot? how do you know when you're supposed to wait a little longer?
*ponder time*I guess afterall... I believe that there's a timing for everything. I just haven't figured out how it works or why it happens..