Never wanted to go back to Christmas in the Park in San Jose, but thanks to this ho, I went again this year. I hope everyone a merry merry christmas =) I'll update later.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Never wanted to go back to Christmas in the Park in San Jose, but thanks to this ho, I went again this year. I hope everyone a merry merry christmas =) I'll update later.
Monday, December 22, 2008
the greatest irony of love.
"The greatest irony of love is loving the right person at the wrong time, having the wrong person when the time is right, and finding out you love someone right after that person walks out of your life. Sometimes, you think you're already over a person, but when you see them smile at you, you'll suddenly realize that you're just pretending to be over them just to ease the pain of knowing that they will never be yours again. For some, they think that letting go is one way of expressing how much they love that person. Some are afraid to see the one they love being held by someone else. Most relationships tend to fail not because the absence of love, but love is always present. It's just that one was being loved too much and the other was being loved too little. As we all know, the heart is the center of the body but it beats on the left. Maybe that's the reason why the heart is not always right. Most often we fall in love with the person we think we love, but to only discover that for them, we are just for passing time while the one who truly loves us remains either a friend or a stranger.
So here's a piece of advice; let go when you're hurting too much, give up when love isn't enough, and move on when things are not like before. For sure there is someone out there who will love you even more."
dj arikidiki in the housee.
Starting a relationship can be simple, keeping it and making it last rarely happens. At first it's fresh and exciting; you can imagine the possibilities. But then less words are spoken and those possibilities are minimized. It's not your fault nor is it him/hers. It depends on how you feel about each other everyday. Losing feelings little by little will seperate you in no time, and making each conversation interesting can be easy if the feelings are still there. Compliments and nice gestures will give him/her second thoughts. Taking chances and risks always takes it to the next level. Hesitation and fear can doom you from the start. Less doubts and concerns, more hopes and dreams. If you don't see it going anywhere, do both you and him/her a favor and end it.
Friday, December 19, 2008
"memories made in the coldest winter"

Brrr.. Is it just me or is this winter insanely cold in the bay this year? As much as I want the sun to come out more so I can stop having to look like a roll of toilet paper whenever I go out, I still enjoy it.. this coldness is what makes winter winter afterall.
The break has been good so far - lots of chilling and hanging out, not to mention the occasional fine-dining and holiday shopping sprees which completely left me with no money to spare. I just wished I had more $$$ so I could do more hoodrat stuff, you know, like Latarian Milton! (lol)Regardless, I'm enjoying this much needed break to the fullest & I'm happy to be home! I know you missed me too, Cupertino.
Soooo, it seems that I'll be spending a very lonely X'mas this year & I'm trying to suck it up, be a grownup (wo)man, and live through the holiday like a superwoman! Ugh, wish me luck.
- arika quesadilla <3
P.S. I miss you already.. why did you have to leave?
Sunday, December 07, 2008
For awhile, I've been obsessing over this visionary group called the "ill-literacy."
This collective group of poets, emcees, and spoken word artists all come together for one purpose; instead of being prisoners of their words, they all have something to say to the world and about the world. but their biggest mission is not for people to just listen to them, but for them to want to listen.
This group which has been pushing spoken word as an art form to its limits, has swept from stage to stage, and has been capturing the attention of our generation today.. they are an inspiring group of fresh individuals that maybe, just maybe, become more hyped than "def poetry jam."
who knows, right?
But this group, with their lyrical verses and innovative theatrics, have put together a show, a spoken word show, a hiphop theater, a chance for people that have something to say.. to say it.
& I'm sure you'll agree with me, that everything that they have to say, is true.
checkcheckcheckcheckitout! cuz finals suck.